The Dowry system can be considered as cancer for our society. Dowry is the amount of money, property or other tangible goods that the family of groom demands from the family of the bride. This system is very common in this subcontinent. Many girls have become the victim of this system and have been tortured brutally by their in-laws. Many also have tortured to death. The dowry system has destroyed many families. Nowadays women are not lagging behind. They are also working equally with the men. In every sector, women have successfully proved that they are not inferior to men. Still, in this modern age, they have become the victim of many cruel social stigmas and the dowry system is one of the worst. A large number of our women have to go through this humiliation and many often take their own lives. This is one of the reasons many people even do not want to have a girl child. Undoubtedly, we all have to stand together to remove this brutal culture. The dowry system is a heinous crime a...