Dengue fever has taken an epidemic form all over the country. Especially the capital dwellers are the worst sufferer. At present near 50000 are suffering from dengue fever. Many people have died and many more are struggling in ICU. A report shows that in every single minute 2 dengue patients are hospitalized. Both the state-run and private hospitals and clinics are also struggling hard to accommodate such a large number of people and providing treatment to them. However, there is no vaccine for dengue fever has been invented and there is no actual treatment than consuming fluid and taking rest but proper awareness can better the situation. As we all know Aedes mosquito is responsible for dengue fever. Aedes mosquito uses clean and standing water as their breeding ground. So it's the responsibility of all to clean his/her surroundings. Some common ground for Aedes mosquito's breeding is- old tire, water bottle, plant tub, old shoes, cans, etc. So rather than throwing them away, we have to destroy them so that Aedes mosquito can't lay eggs on them. Though the government is trying hard to reduce the threat and providing treatment to the affected ones, if we all won't be careful and conscious it will not help. As Aedes mosquito usually bites in danger so it's better to keep the children and elder person within the mosquito net especially when they sleep. One should immediately go to nearby hospitals if he has any of the symptoms of dengue fever. If treatment can be started at an early stage, then the chances of survival increases. As the dengue rage has captured the entire country we all have to fight together. Without our help and concern, the steps taken by authorities and government will not be effective.
Sylhet is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. It's a place of natural beauty. Sylhet is widely known for having tea gardens and hills. It is also a holy place as it is known as the place of 360 awlias(saints). Last year I got the opportunity to go to Sylhet. I visited Sylhet with my family. We went there by train. I sat beside the window and enjoy the scenes through the window. I was overwhelmed by the natural scenes. After seven hours long journey, we reached Sylhet. We visited all the places of tourist attractions like- Jaflong which is near the Indian border, Ratargul swamp forest, Lauachara forest, and Tangua Haor. We spent five days in Sylhet. I enjoyed each and every moments of my Sylhet tour.
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