The life of the rural people in our country is completely different than the city dwellers. Even though we are moving towards becoming a developing nation, but many parts of our country are still undeveloped or underdeveloped. For example, the haor areas, flash flood-prone areas, drought-prone areas, etc. Even there are some areas where electricity has not reached or they have to face excessive power cut. So no need to say that rural people are often deprived of modern facilities and technologies. Still, the main form of their entertainment is sitting together and chatting and roaming around to the neighboring houses. The bonding between them is still deeper and stronger than each other. So in a time of need, the rural people always help each other. They also offer the hand of help on different occasions like- wedding, name giving ceremony. Rural women often help each other in stitching or making pithas. Young rural people often form a clubhouse and organize different matches like a football match or organize cultural functions like a stage drama. Many young rural people who love to read pass their idle time on the nearby libraries. However, due to globalizations, the uses of cell phones have widespread. So many people also use social media and listen to fm radio in their free time. Like other basic needs, entertainment needs is also a crying need of people. If this need is not fulfilled in a proper way than people often engage in antisocial activities like watching pornography or gambling or drug addiction. So it's the responsibility of the elder ones to observe that the young people may not engage in any heinous crime in the name of entertainment.
Sylhet is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. It's a place of natural beauty. Sylhet is widely known for having tea gardens and hills. It is also a holy place as it is known as the place of 360 awlias(saints). Last year I got the opportunity to go to Sylhet. I visited Sylhet with my family. We went there by train. I sat beside the window and enjoy the scenes through the window. I was overwhelmed by the natural scenes. After seven hours long journey, we reached Sylhet. We visited all the places of tourist attractions like- Jaflong which is near the Indian border, Ratargul swamp forest, Lauachara forest, and Tangua Haor. We spent five days in Sylhet. I enjoyed each and every moments of my Sylhet tour.
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