According to Napoleon, "Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation." So no need to say that the development of a nation is possible only if the females, who are half of the population are educated. In our society female education is still taboo. Many people think that educating females is totally unnecessary. They believe that women are born to perform traditional roles like the role of mother, wife, and homemaker. Even some parents also do not want to educate their female child. They prefer to marry them off at a very early age. Child marriage, dowry custom, domestic violence, all these problems have a common root and that is the lack of female education. If we look around, we can see that women can perform any job as well as done by a man or she can even perform better than a man. There is not a single sector where women haven't proved themselves yet. They can also perform challenging tasks. Our country is running successfully by a female Prime Minister. Under her leadership, we are gradually graduating as a developing nation. Many countries in the world are now running under the female lead. The newly elected vice president of Kamala Harris is also a female. So it has well proven that along with running the household, women can also play and responsible role. Besides every female is a potential mother. She can properly raise her child if she is well educated. Even in conjugal life, a wife can support her husband mentally and financially if only she is educated. Every year, we earned a lot of currencies through our readymade garments sector where most of the workers are female. Half of our population are female. If we can't make them work, then we will lag behind. For developing skills and knowledge to work, we need to educate them. AN educated female is an asset to her family and society. Our government is providing free education for girls up to HSC. However, the dropout rate of school and college-going girls are still significant in number. Early marriage, early pregnancy, household responsibilities are some major barriers behind female education. The statistics show that the pandemic also has triggered the female dropout from education institutions. So creating awareness among the mass population is necessary.
Sylhet is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. It's a place of natural beauty. Sylhet is widely known for having tea gardens and hills. It is also a holy place as it is known as the place of 360 awlias(saints). Last year I got the opportunity to go to Sylhet. I visited Sylhet with my family. We went there by train. I sat beside the window and enjoy the scenes through the window. I was overwhelmed by the natural scenes. After seven hours long journey, we reached Sylhet. We visited all the places of tourist attractions like- Jaflong which is near the Indian border, Ratargul swamp forest, Lauachara forest, and Tangua Haor. We spent five days in Sylhet. I enjoyed each and every moments of my Sylhet tour.
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