Every people love their own country. Homeland or motherland is often considered as greater than heaven. But sometimes circumstances force people to leave their own homeland and settle somewhere else. Diaspora refers to people or communities who have settled in other parts of the world after leaving their homeland willingly or unwillingly. The diaspora of Jews exiled from Israel by the Babylonians is one of the ancient histories of diaspora. The people of Palestine also have a long history of diaspora. It is estimated that more than 6 millions of their people live in a global diaspora. From 2017, the Rohingya population of Myanmar who is a Muslim-based minority have fled to Bangladesh because of the genocide and atrocities of the Myanmar army. It can be considered as a textbook example of diaspora. However, some people also leave their homeland willingly because they dream of having a better life, to support their families by sending foreign currency. There is a large Bangladeshi diaspora population now living in Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries. A huge population of our Sylhet division has been living in East London. A significant number of Bangladeshi people also have settled in the USA, Canada, Italy, and Australia. There are many reasons behind diaspora. War, political instability, exile, religious issue are some common reasons behind diaspora. For a developed country, it's not a big issue to manage their extra population. But for a developing country, diaspora can be a burden. For example, it's a huge burden on us to accommodating the Rohingya population for years. To reduce diaspora, war leaders could play a vital role by stopping arsenal and atrocities over people and focus more on humane rights.
Sylhet is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. It's a place of natural beauty. Sylhet is widely known for having tea gardens and hills. It is also a holy place as it is known as the place of 360 awlias(saints). Last year I got the opportunity to go to Sylhet. I visited Sylhet with my family. We went there by train. I sat beside the window and enjoy the scenes through the window. I was overwhelmed by the natural scenes. After seven hours long journey, we reached Sylhet. We visited all the places of tourist attractions like- Jaflong which is near the Indian border, Ratargul swamp forest, Lauachara forest, and Tangua Haor. We spent five days in Sylhet. I enjoyed each and every moments of my Sylhet tour.
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