Morning walk is the habit of waking up early in the morning. It is a very good habit. It helps one to remain healthy. In the morning, one can enjoy the fresh morning breeze and take oxygen. He can enjoy the natural beauty of the morning, chirping of the birds and fragrance of freshly blommed flower. A morning walk is very beneficial for health. The quiet nature of the morning refreshes his mind. It makes one feel happy and energetic.It helps him to concentrate on his whole days work. There is a very popular saying that 'health is wealth.' Without sound health, a person can't enjoy even though if he has a million of dollars. And to enhance good wealth one has to follow some rules.Morning walk helps one to have good health.Morning walk also helps to prevent some diseases like heart disease and diabetics. If a student starts his day with a morning walk then it will help him to concentrate on his studies. It also make him stronger and helps him in his creative works. Morning walks also helps in socializing. Usually in an area, morning walkers become good buddies and often they form a group and club.So, it is seen that the habit of morning walk only brings benefits so we all should grow this habit.
Sylhet is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. It's a place of natural beauty. Sylhet is widely known for having tea gardens and hills. It is also a holy place as it is known as the place of 360 awlias(saints). Last year I got the opportunity to go to Sylhet. I visited Sylhet with my family. We went there by train. I sat beside the window and enjoy the scenes through the window. I was overwhelmed by the natural scenes. After seven hours long journey, we reached Sylhet. We visited all the places of tourist attractions like- Jaflong which is near the Indian border, Ratargul swamp forest, Lauachara forest, and Tangua Haor. We spent five days in Sylhet. I enjoyed each and every moments of my Sylhet tour.
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