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School Magazine

 For proper mental development. young people should engage in different cultural activities along with their basic educations. A school magazine is a proper platform where young students can show their creativity. In general, a school magazine is a magazine that is published by the school committee mostly once a year. Both students and teachers can publish their writing in the magazine but the teachers highly encouraged their students to write some content for their magazine. A committee is formed who are in charge of the magazine. The principal or a senior teacher becomes the head of the committee. A particular teacher is responsible for collecting the contents within the due date.In general, short stories, plays, travel stories, features, jokes, and articles are published in a school magazine. Students who are good at drawing also submit their illustrations for the magazine. A short description and the success stories of the school are always present in the magazine. After collecting contents, the committee selects the best one and then publishes them. Usually, money is collected from the school fund. It's a matter of pride for a student if his writing is published in the school magazine.It provides him the stimuli to grow the habit of writing and reading. It's a very good practice if the authority engages the students in all kind of activities regarding the school magazine.


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