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Gender Discrimination

 Gender discrimination is like cancer for society. It usually refers to unequal treatment between males and females. In South Asian countries like Bangladesh, India, gender discrimination is a common scenario. It begins from the birth of a girl and continues throughout her life. Gender discrimination also causes some other social problems like-early marriage, dowry culture, abortion, domestic abuses, etc. Age-old social customs, prejudice, and superstition are responsible for gender discrimination. Many parents prefer a male child because they think in the future, a male child will be the bread earner of the family and will take care of them at their old age. Even in the 21st century, many people think that it is forbidden for girls to achieve higher education or do jobs. They think that women are designed only for giving childbirth and doing household chores. However, this idea is completely vague because nowadays women are not lagging behind. In every sector, women have proved that they can perform as equal or better than a man. Our honorable prime minister is a female and she is managing the country successfully. In her leadership, our country has prospered a lot. Our honorable speaker of the national assembly is also a woman. So it has well proved that a woman has the equal capability of a man. If we force them to stay in the house and deprive them of education, which is their basic right, then it will be the destruction of potentiality and this malpractice will harm our society. Usually, girls from poor and illiterate families become the worse victim of gender discrimination. Their parents do not prefer to spend money on their education or betterment and get them married at a very young age. As a result, they also become the victim of the dowry system and domestic abuse. Many young girls also force by their inlaws to give childbirth at a young age which is also a major reason behind the excess increase in population. Gender discrimination affects a girl both physically and mentally. Discrimination creates inferiority complex and self-denial in them. They often can't recognize their own potential and force to leads a miserable life. Gender discrimination also results in malnutrition and other diseases as some parents do not care much about their female child. Only proper education and consciousness can reduce gender discrimination in society. The government has taken many steps to promote tuition-free education for female students up to the secondary level. Different institutions and NGOs also provide vocational training to female to ensure economic independence for them. The mass media also can play an important role to prevent gender discrimination. They can broadcast contents that will show the negative effects of gender discrimination. Mass awareness is needed to prevent gender discrimination. We should treat our women with equal respect.


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