Folk music is the music of our soil, our root. Folk music is mostly the music of rural people. It is an integral part of our culture. It represents the lifestyle of people in a particular area. It represents their history, their dream, aspiration. Folk music is a tale of happiness and sorrow. The major folk kinds of music of our country are Baul song, Bhawaiya song, jari song, murshid song. Our country is enriched in culture and so is our folk music. Folk music is also based on season and people's living hood. For example, Gambhira is popular among the people of Rajshahi. Gambhira is the song of the summer season. Bhawaiya song was generated in Rangpur. It is popular among the coaches of the bullock cart of Rangpur district. Bhatiyali is popular among the people of the Mymensingh district. Mostly Bhatiyali songs are composed and sung by the boatman. Different poets and writers have used these folk songs in their writings. Our rural poet JasimUddin has played a vital role in collecting folk songs, preserving them, and using them successfully in his writings. Instruments are hardly used in folk music. People sing them individually and often in chorus. For centuries, rural people of our country celebrate their lives with folk music. No matter how modern we become, we should never forget about our traditions and culture. Our new generations should be introduced to folk music. It's our duty to preserve them and introduced them to the new generation.
The name of our country is the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Our country was a part of Pakistan before 1971. Then we freed our country and achieved victory after nine month's liberation war. 3 million people sacrificed their lives in the liberation war in 1971. Our independence day is 26th March and Victory day is 16th December. The national language of our country is Bangla. It is also a matter of great pride for us that we are the only nation that sacrificed their lives for the sake of their mother tongue on 21st February of 1952. In order to show respect to them, UNESCO has declared 21st February as International Mother Language Day. The name of the capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka. It is the busiest and populated city in our country. The total population is 16 crore. The total area of our country is 1,47,570 square km. Our country is a river-oriented country. The main rivers of our country are Padma, Jamuna, Meghna...
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